LJP Curriculum

(Created by Benesse Corporation)


Japanese culture is very rich and its significance can still be felt in today’s society. It even has its global reach and influence. If one needs to study Japanese life, you move forward by appreciating the present as you respect the past.

Japanese language can be a whole career altogether. It provides a good transition for anyone who appreciate it. If one exerts dedicated work, interest, and focus, rather than a difficult challenge it becomes an endearing self-development.

Japan pays homage to its past and history. They don’t look back but they learn a lot from it. They respect its value, its lessons. It is an integral part of their society, of their country, and citizenry. A very noble love for one’s country.

Appreciation for the Japanese language comes with expertise that one builds gradually along the way. It feels good to know the language not only as a way of communication but as a soulful way of expression. Japanese language in itself is an art. It’s not just to be studied but to be allowed to be part of yourself. The learner’s perception in life changes

LJP Curriculum

(Created by Benesse Corporation)